New NSW hospitality minister promises 'full attention' to key issues

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"When it comes to gaming, most people do so responsibly; however, there is a small percentage who do not."
"When it comes to gaming, most people do so responsibly; however, there is a small percentage who do not."

Newly appointed NSW Minister for Hospitality, Gaming, Racing and Minister for the Arts, Troy Grant, has stressed his appreciation of key issues facing the industry such as alcohol-related violence and harm caused by irresponsible gambling in one of the state's most important employment sectors.

In a statement released Wednesday 23 April, Grant said: "I am proud to have been sworn in today as a minister in the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government.

"As the newly appointed Minister for Hospitality, Gaming, Racing and Minister for the Arts, I appreciate the nature of my duties and responsibilities in these important areas to all the citizens of the great State of New South Wales," he added.

"As a former policeman of 22 years' experience, I am only too well aware of the problems facing the community when it comes to alcohol-related harm and I intend to give this important issue my full attention.

"When it comes to gaming, most people do so responsibly; however, there is a small percentage who do not. I intend to continue the NSW Government's policies regarding harm minimisation and to ensure that the laws regarding gaming are strictly adhered to.

"Racing in NSW is a billion dollar industry, employing about 55,000 people. It is an important industry and an extremely popular pastime as demonstrated recently by two weekends of world-class racing called The Championships. I will continue to fully support all three codes of racing in NSW," Grant said.

"The arts enhance our lives, bring us pleasure and enjoyment, are a major tourist attraction and employ thousands. As Minister for the Arts, I will continue to support and promote this major sector.

"As Member for Dubbo, I am also aware of the importance of regional NSW and will ensure that the citizens of the regions receive my full attention. I would also like to pay tribute to my predecessor, George Souris, who deserves enormous credit for his diligence and dedication in a Parliamentary career spanning 26 years.

"I now look forward to getting on with the job of helping the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government transform NSW," he said.

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